Sylvie Barma (Ph.D.) is full professor in the Department of Studies on Teaching and Learning at Laval University and ex-director of the Center of Research and Intervention for Student and School Success (CRI_SAS).
Rollande Deslandes (Ph.D.) is professor emeritus in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières and regular researcher at the Center of Research and Intervention for Student and School Success (CRI_SAS).
Nathalie Ste-Marie (MSc.) is the coordinator for the journal Revue internationale du CRIRES: innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky.
Jessy Turcotte (B.Ens.) is a student researcher in the Master of Didactics at Laval University.
Samantha Voyer (M.A.) has been a high school science and technology teacher for over a decade. She recently completed a master's degree at Laval University.